The Foundation For Tomorrow

Welcome, The Foundation for Tomorrow is a US 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides scholarships for African orphans to attend boarding school in their home countries. As well as scholarships, The Foundation for Tomorrow aids and advances our partner schools and orphanages to ensure the highest quality of education is provided. Click here to download our brochure.

The Foundation for Tomorrow strives to empower the future of the developing nations by educating their youth. We support orphans who would not be able to receive a primary, secondary or tertiary education. The Foundation for Tomorrow seeks to create environments in which peace, health, and human welfare prosper as a result of a well educated population.

Creating a New Reality Through Education: To do this we will:

  • Develop best practice educational models/programs that prove effective within our partner schools, orphanages and Tanzania as a whole.
  • Hire outstanding Program Directors and train them so that they can have lasting impact on the communities where they are stationed.
  • Instill a sense of self-confidence and self worth in the children and young adults we work with.
  • Enhance the quality of Teachers teaching in our Partner Schools, through a multitude of training techniques.
  • Bring the best partners to the table to help us achieve our mission.

The Foundation for Tomorrow strives to provide a QUALITY education to orphaned and abandoned children. We achieve this through a number of outreach programs (some listed below.) We pride ourselves on being a hands on organization. Our team is out at one of our schools each and every afternoon working with the children to improve their quality of life and education as well as tend to their basic needs. Our Scholarship Program is an all inclusive holistic opportunity for orphaned and abandoned children. Not only do they get an opportunity at boarding school and intensive medical oversight, they have access to tutors, after-school programs, out-door education, educational field trips as well as Tanzanian guest speakers to name a few. We are currently working with eight orphanages and children's centers in Norther Tanzania as well as two Tanzanian run boarding schools to ensure a portion of the million plus orphans in Tanzania are receiving access and quality education regardless of their circumstance.

  • Scholarship Program: Our Scholarship Program provides a year of comprehensive care for orphaned and abandoned children. This care covers everything from room, board, healthcare, textbooks, uniforms as well as annual enrollment fees. Individuals invest $1100 for primary school students or $1200 for secondary school students. Our staffs time at the schools consist of bringing books for reading hour, games, soccer balls, as well as tending to their basic needs such as providing shoes and medicine. We take kids to the doctor, organize tutoring, as well as check in with teachers about their academic performance. Our Scholarship Program is a wonderful way to develop a relationship with a student and gives them the opportunity for an education that they would not have access to otherwise.
  • Teacher Training: Our Teacher Training program works to raise the level of education in our partner schools. We have teamed up with the teachers at these schools, using peer teaching and outside evaluation methods to motivate our teachers and transform the quality of education. By improving teachers’ style and methods and providing professional development opportunities to develop leadership and management skills, we can inspire a love of learning in our students and improve the quality of their education.
    The training approach is based on adult learning principles and makes use of participatory methodologies including demonstration, discussion, role-play, buzz-group, brainstorming, games, case studies, and presentation. Design of the sessions include presentation and discussion of concepts and group work to demonstrate application of skills based on selected technical emphasis. The training is broken into 7 modules over the course of 10 days; Classroom Management, Time management, Teaching and Learning Styles, Instructional techniques and Methods, Understanding Special Educational Needs, Developing Critical Thinking and Planning for Effective Instruction.
  • Full Circle Afterschool Initiative: Our Full Circle after-school program introduces students to issues of environmental conservation and social change, helping them take an active role in their community and learn basic life skills. Our intention is to prepare our Scholarship recipients to care for themselves and to feel safe and confident, developing then into healthy adults with critical thinking skills and equipped with the tools they would get in a positive home environment. The kids are learning about basic first aid and hygiene, as well as HIV / AIDS awareness. It is important these children are learning how to stay healthy and nourish their bodies. Other activities within this program are focused on environmental restoration and organic gardening. Planting and grafting avocado trees as well as cooking classes are all apart of the Full Circle curriculum.
  • Learning Center: The Foundation For Tomorrow (TFFT) intends to invest in both the Arumeru community as well as it’s people. With plans of completion of this project in late 2011, TFFT intends to invest over $240,000 USD in order to build, run, and operate the first ever interactive Learning Center in the Usa River area.
    Not only will there be a contribution to the community that will last for years in the way of this learning center, TFFT’s hope is that we will be able to employ a wide variety of people to complete this project. TFFT estimates that over 100 professionals will be hired as a result of this project. This includes, teachers, librarians, contractors, etc. We will be bringing attention to the area that we hope will highlight the need and efficiency of the Arumeru district, and in turn further investment in the District.

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The Foundation For Tomorrow

P.O. Box 470836
Charlotte, NC 28247
704-340-8969 phone

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