Charlotte Chorale, Inc.

The Charlotte Chorale, Inc. (“CCI”) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 2003. The Chorale is comprised of auditioned volunteers who wish to enrich local communities and surrounding towns by sharing the joy of song. Centered in the heart of Mecklenburg County in uptown Charlotte, North Carolina, CCI enjoys a wide variety of performance venues and has a growing local following in the greater Charlotte area. CCI strives to provide its audiences an excellent choral experience by performing a wide array of music, both a cappella and with orchestral or instrumental accompaniment. Our participants share a love and appreciation for beautiful music, whether performing great choral classics or exploring artistic works that are less well known. CCI offers a mixture of lighter, popular fare in addition to classical symphonic works, serving to provide cultural enrichment and furthering the educational and spiritual welfare of both its members and audiences.

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Charlotte Chorale, Inc.

P.O. Box 471005
Charlotte, NC 28247
980-722-7134 phone

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