Know Your Farms LLC

Know Your Farms began as a small food buying club back in 2008 founded by siblings Christy and Wesley Shi. Both wanted to strengthen and help build a more sustainable local food system in the Charlotte area. Soon after starting this exciting new adventure, they realized that a better model for farmers and the community was a hybrid Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). They formed the CSA in 2009 and it has since grown into Charlotte’s most accessible and diverse CSA.

As the years progressed, Christy realized that her unique talents were better suited for policy work and high-level networking at the state and national level. She parted ways with KYF in 2011 but has maintained strong ties to Charlotte’s local food system and KYF. Wesley took over the business in 2011 and soon realized that he needed help to support the growing interest in local food in this area.

In 2012, Mike Walsh joined Know Your Farms and has helped propel the small company to new levels in less than six months. He has his own farm out in Lincoln County called Good Karma Alpaca Ranch. It is the premier Alpaca source in this area and even has an impressive solar array that can power most of his operations! He is a key part of Know Your Farms and was the catalyst for pushing Wes to get the truck wrapped!

Today, Know Your Farms operates the CSA with over 26 pickup locations throughout Charlotte. They recently took over a Farm Stand at 7th Street Public Market and can now offer local foods all week long! KYF is proud to host two farm tours each year highlighting the rich agricultural ties this community has and hopes more people will come on the tours and get to Know Your Farms. As a community-oriented business, KYF believes that everyone has something to give back, even small businesses. They organize on-farm work projects throughout the year where volunteers can go out to a farm and work a few hours.

KYF believes that Charlotte has the potential to become a national example of how a solid, well-supported local food system can work. Supporting us helps us reach this goal.

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Find Us

Know Your Farms LLC

PO Box 31021
224 E. 7th St
Charlotte, NC 28231
980-225-1020 phone

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