Christopher Colombus Italian Club of Charlotte

the mission of our club:

- To promote an appreciation of Italian culture, language, literature, food and music;

- To promote an understanding of the fabulous and unique contributions Italians have made to this country;

- To support Italian/American community activities by sharing in one of the oldest and most captivating cultures in the world!

Our club has been active in North Carolina since 1975. We participate in many events throughout the year, including our very own Ciao, Italia! Festival! I invite you to come and 'mangiare' one of our world famous cannoli or sausage and pepper sandwiches! Delizioso!

Meetings are usually held on the second Sunday of each month and start at 4:00 pm.

Each meeting features a cultural program and / or entertainment, time for socializing with club members and guests, and bountiful refreshments.

Newcomers are welcome and are asked to first RSVP at least one week before the meeting by calling (704) 491-4342.

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg (Marion Diehl) Senior Center
2225 Tyvola Road, Charlotte, NC 28210, Tel: (704) 522-6222

From I-77: take Exit 5 - Tyvola Road towards South Park. Before getting to Park Road, and right before the center median begins, turn into the Center's driveway on the left.

From South Park: follow Fairview Road until it becomes Tyvola Road (at Park Road). After crossing Park Road you will see the Center on the right

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Find Us

Christopher Colombus Italian Club of Charlotte

c/o 15224 Barossa Valley Street
Charlotte, NC 28277
(704) 542-4145 phone

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