Our built environment is much more than a collection of physical structures. It is the place where we write the story of our lives; where we raise our families, educate our children, labor, create, gather our communities, exalt our spirituality, and care for our elders. Our intuition and our experience tell us that the design and composition of these spaces matter. They can inhibit or inspire, stifle or allow us to breathe, disrupt or harmonize with our natural surroundings, shut us out or welcome us home. The vision and mission of the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) is to improve the quality of life by transforming the design, composition, and operation of the places where we live, learn, work, and play within the short space of a generation. This mission means that our children and grandchildren will grow up in green and healthy homes. They will know what it is to conserve water and energy and how conservation improves their own lives and those of others. It means their generation will attend schools designed to support learning, schools filled with sunlight and fresh, clean air. It means they will live in dynamic communities that draw on the innovations and opportunities fostered by the green building movement to power their economy, improve their environment, and conserve resources for future generations.

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