CPCC's Sensoria

CPCC's Spring Literary Festival, founded in 1993, grew into an award-winning event. Upon the founder's retirement, in 2007 ArtsFest expanded to include many more of CPCC's arts, culminating with this year's Sensoria, a celebration of the arts. During this week-long event your senses will be heightened as we bring the very best in literature, music, visual arts, history, culture (and food!) to Central Piedmont Community College’s beautiful Central Campus.

Join arts enthusiasts from across the region and discover the very essence of the Sensoria experience – cultural enrichment and community engagement. Throughout the week you’ll learn more about CPCC’s outstanding programs, meet artists and scholars, and find value in the works of our talented artisans and exhibitors.


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CPCC's Sensoria

PO Box 35009
Charlotte, NC 28235

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