Mint Museum Randolph

Housed in what was the original branch of the United States Mint, the Mint Museum Randolph opened in 1936 as the first art museum in North Carolina. Today the Mint features collections that span more than 4,500 years of human creativity from around the world. Intimate galleries invite visitors to engage with the art of the ancient Americas, ceramics and decorative arts, and historic costume. Resources include a reference library stocked with more than 15,000 art-related volumes, a theater offering lectures and performances, and a Museum Shop featuring merchandise that complements both the permanent collection and special exhibitions. Nestled in a beautiful park-like setting in Charlotte's historic Eastover neighborhood, the Mint Museum Randolph provides a place of respite and reflection for visitors.

Hours & Admission
Tues (11 AM-6PM) / Wed (11 AM – 9 PM) / Thurs – Sat (11 AM – 6 PM) / Sun (1 – 5 PM)

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Find Us

Mint Museum Randolph

2730 Randolph Road
Charlotte, NC 28207
704-337-2000 phone

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