Billy Graham Library

Visit the Billy Graham Library and walk in the shoes of a farm boy who became pastor to presidents and shared God’s love with millions.

• Explore Billy Graham’s meticulously restored childhood homeplace, featuring original furnishings, authentic appliances, and personal memorabilia.

• Take The Journey of Faith tour, and follow nearly 80 years of ministry through engaging films, rare photos, fascinating memorabilia, and compelling exhibits.

• Learn about Billy Graham’s cherished wife, Ruth Bell Graham, and their dynamic marriage of 60 years.

• Stroll through the Memorial Prayer Garden, resting place of Billy and Ruth Bell Graham; George Beverly Shea and Cliff Barrows, original members of the Billy Graham Crusade team; and Billie Barrows, early Crusade pianist and wife of Cliff.

• Browse Ruth’s Attic bookstore for unique gifts and special edition books by Billy Graham and others.

• Relax over lunch in the Graham Brothers Dairy Bar, a café with specialty coffee, soup, salad, sandwiches, ice cream and more.

• Enjoy special events and displays throughout the year.

Hours & Admission
Monday-Saturday, 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Closed on Sundays. (Hours are tentative and subject to change.)

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Find Us

Billy Graham Library

4330 Westmont Drive
Charlotte, NC 28217
704-401-3200 phone

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Parking & Transit

The Library is conveniently located off Billy Graham Parkway, near the Charlotte Douglas International Airport, I-77, and I-85 in Charlotte, North Carolina.