Charlotte Regional Farmers Market

The Charlotte Farmers Market is one of four regional Farmers Markets owned by the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA and operated by the NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE & CONSUMER SERVICES. These Farmers Markets are strategically located across the state to serve North Carolina farmers, both large and small. They provide modern, well maintained facilities, in prime locations that are inviting to sellers and buyers. If you are looking for a friendly place to shop for fresh produce, fresh pork products, grass fed beef, goat milk cheese, scrumptious baked goods, delectable jams and jellies, unique handmade crafts, goat milk soap, beautiful fresh cut flowers and plants of every kind, you can find it all at the CHARLOTTE REGIONAL FARMERS MARKET. Here you can actually talk to the farmer who grew the freshly harvested produce and/or fruit. FRESHNESS is a way of life at the Farmers Market, and as a matter of fact, if it was any fresher, it would still be in the garden!

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Find Us

Charlotte Regional Farmers Market

1801 Yorkmont Road
Charlotte, NC 28217
704-357-1269 phone
704-357-0708 tty

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