RUNE, Inc.

The main goal of Rune, Inc. (RUNE) is to enrich the lives and social connections of Charlotteans through social, civic and professional events, commerce, culture and the arts. RUNE also aims to elevate the Queen City’s fragmented social scene into one rivaling other major cities around the country. RUNE was created primarily for the social professional interested in new ways to be entertained while still leaving a positive footprint in the community. Our events are designed to help this group network with other driven individuals in the community through social, professional, civic, charitable and recreational events. Our target audience is comprised of socialites, politicians, mentors, professionals, entrepreneurs, artists, and entertainers both new to town or born and raised in the Queen City looking for a new way to experience Charlotte. We aim to stand apart by mixing East Coast swag, West Coast spirit and Southern charm.

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Find Us

RUNE, Inc.

PO Box 34398
Charlotte, NC 28234
336-671-1246 phone

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