Charlotte Artery

We are a non-profit organization who's mission is to mentor artistic curiosity, support networks within the artistic community and enrich the lives of the people who visit and the quality of the work of the individual artists.

Charlotte Artery is an artist cooperative that leverages marketing and business resources to provide a venue for emerging and mid-career local artists. Charlotte Artery brings together a broad network of individuals within the greater Charlotte community, who enjoy visual art as an intrinsic part of their cultural experience. Charlotte Artery nurtures extensions of this network into the broader community includes academia, museums, artist communities, groups in other cities, non-profit cultural organizations, and commercial galleries to create a large web of interest and activity in the visual arts in greater Charlotte.




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Find Us

Charlotte Artery

1515-C South Mint Street
Charlotte, NC 28203
(704) 651-0817 phone

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