Dancers Unite Fine Arts Academy

Dancers Unite is a family owned and operated dance school. Our dance studio has state of the art injury prevention floors that are ideal for everything from ballet to tap.

Dancers Unite believes that all of our students deserve to learn as many or as few different forms of dance that they choose. We limit each combination class for the younger students to two dance forms and we mix and match each dance form in the combination classes so that each student can personalize their dance experience to fit his or her personality. For example, if you have a six year old who doesn’t want to take ballet, they could take cheerdance/hip hop, jazz/acro, hip hop/tap…the list goes on! On the flip side, we offer such a large variety of classes and for only $200 a month, you could take every class your age group has to offer.

Bottom line? At Dancers Unite, you get to be in control of your dance experience!

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Find Us

Dancers Unite Fine Arts Academy

220 E Park Ave
Charlotte, NC 28203
704-846-2985 phone

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