Charlotte Dance Festival

The Charlotte Dance Festival is back! The festival created by Caroline Calouche & Co. has returned and expanded to meet more of Charlotte's requests for innovative and diverse dance. We have continued our three great events from last year and expanded with
more dance companies and events over a 2 week festival.

If you enjoyed last year's festival, you will be thrilled with what we have planned for you this year. Tickets for concert events will go on sale in August.

Vision: To connect the uniquely diverse Charlotte community with local and national dance artists as a means to enhance cultural understanding.

Mission: The Charlotte Dance Festival’s mission is to create an innovative dance festival that is open to all dance genres. The festival presents a diverse blend of established and emerging dance artists in a variety of venue styles as a means to reach a larger audience.

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Find Us

Charlotte Dance Festival

9129 Monroe Road
Suite 150
Charlotte, NC 28278
704-804-2731 phone

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