Hopewell Presbyterian Church

The Mission of
Hopewell Presbyterian Church

Recognizing Jesus Christ as Head of the Church and the Holy Bible, the inspired Word of God, as our sole authority for faith and action, the mission of Hopewell Presbyterian Church is to:

Proclaim the message of salvation and teach the Word of God to our congregation, community, and world;
Love and serve all people, by being a welcoming, inviting, and nurturing family of faith;
Seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit through worship and daily prayer and study of the Scriptures;
Give of our time, talents, and resources to support God’s work in the world;
Celebrate our unique heritage and rich traditions, while being open to new and fresh ways to share the Good News and to glorify God.

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Find Us

Hopewell Presbyterian Church

10500 Beatties Ford Road
Huntersville, NC 28078
(704) 875-2291 phone

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