
Located at our McGuire Nuclear Station, Duke Energy’s EnergyExplorium offers educational and fun activities for everyone interested in learning more about electricity generation and Lake Norman.

Visitors can:

  • Take a virtual tour of McGuire Nuclear Station
  • Play interactive games and learn to use energy wisely
  • Convert their own energy into enough electricity to power a television
  • Watch a movie about Lake Norman and the community
  • Walk a mile-long nature trail along the shore of Lake Norman and explore the wonders of the Piedmont’s environment

For more information, or to schedule a group visit of 10 or more people, call: 704-875-5600 or 1-800-777-0003.

Hours & Admission

Monday through Friday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: Noon to 5 p.m.

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13339 Hagers Ferry Road
Huntersville, NC 28078
980-875-5600 phone

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Parking & Transit

Free parking, with bus area