Art Glass Works Studio
Art Glass Works Studio is a working and teaching studio. We sell both basic and advanced tools of the trade as well. If needed, we will repair tools that are purchased from us as a service for our customers.
We produce higher-end glass products for quality, professional designs. Visitors to Art Glass Works Studio on Catawba Avenue can find Tiffany reproductions, custom panels and more created onsite by local artists, Alan and Lisa Coyle. Alan is a retired engineer with 10 years in the glass industry with experience in making and fabricating glass products. Alan started working with stained glass in 1980 as a hobby. His instructor, president of Kokomo Opalescent Glass Company, gave Alan personal guidance and exposure to his craft. His expertise inspired Alan to create works of glass art and eventually open his own studio.
Alan's experience with hot glass gives the studio an edge to creating beautiful detailed glass products, which is incorporated into panels. Lisa offers a unique feminine approach, which adds to the beauty of the design. Lisa has been working in the field since 1999. She has since become very proficient in the field and brings her experience as a teacher to the classes.
Art Glass Works Studio offer classes for beginners through advanced. Tools used in the class are the same used everyday in the studio utilizing both basic tools and advanced tools. With the support and assistance of Lisa and Alan, our students produce very detailed work. The classes run for eight weeks, which allows the students to complete 2 or 3 projects.
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