Cinemark Movies 10

About Cinemark Theatres

Headquartered in Plano, TX, Cinemark Holdings, Inc. is a leader in the motion picture exhibition industry with 459 theatres and 5,181 screens in the U.S. and Latin America as of March 31, 2012.

Our circuit is the third largest in the U.S. with 298 theatres and 3,895 screens in 39 states.
We are the most geographically diverse circuit in Latin America with 161 theatres and 1,286 screens in 13 countries.
During the year ended December 31, 2011, we ranked either #1 or #2 by box office revenues in 24 of our top 30 markets.

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Cinemark Movies 10

9508 Northeast Court
Matthews, NC 28105
704-847-5245 phone

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