Campbell Creek Greenway

Paved and Gravel Greenway = 4.0 Miles
Cottonwood Nature Trail = 1.5 Miles
McAlpine Creek XC Course = 5K or 3.1 Miles

Campbell Creek Greenway runs along a headwater tributary to McAlpine Creek between Margaret Wallace Road and Harris Boulevard. Parking is available off of Margaret Wallace or at the McAlpine Creek Greenway headquarters off of Monroe Road. If you think of it, look for the remains of abandoned turn-of-the century Thompson family grist mill midway along the trail!

Campbell Creek Greenway was the last documented location for Queen snakes in Mecklenburg County in the early 1990's. This snake species requires clean, clear, rocky stream habitats to survive. Recent survey attempts to find Queen snakes have proved unsuccessful. Keep your eyes open and help us relocate the Queen snake in the Queen City.

Though surrounded by urban development, McAlpine Creek Greenway is the only greenway where you can see river otter, beaver, and mink all in one general area. Also protected at this greenway is Mecklenburg County's only population of a native Larkspur (Delphinium tricorne), a very rare, purple, showy, spring ephemeral wildflower.

188 species of birds have been documented along McAlpine Creek Greenway, the second highest site total in Mecklenburg County.

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Campbell Creek Greenway

2116 Margaret Wallace Road
Charlotte, NC 28105
704-432-1570 phone

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