Urban League of the Central Carolinas

The Urban League of Central Carolinas is a multi-service, non-profit Agency, organized in 1978. Its mission is to promote economic self-sufficiency among African-American families and others, and racial inclusion in our community. Our range of programs can benefit anyone in need of computer education and training, career development, and employment services. We serve persons from all economic levels - from area professionals to those living within designated "fragile" and "at risk" neighborhoods. The Urban League has always been stalwarts for advocacy on behalf of its' constituency. We something for most everyone. Last year, 379 people were trained and/or placed on a job by the Urban League and over 4,200 people were served through various programs.

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Urban League of the Central Carolinas

740 West Fifth Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
704-373-2256 phone

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