Art Works 945

We are an outreach and housing retention program of the Urban Ministry Center that utilizes art to connect with individuals who struggle with homelessness.

Art Works 945 is a beautification project, an art program, a stereotype buster, a trailblazer between individuals and between communities. In fact Art Works 945 is a community. Art Works 945 focuses on relationships, cooperation, and self-expression. It is not about teaching or giving as much as it is about sharing and challenging.

Art became a meaningful part of the Urban Ministry Center in 2001 when volunteer artist Ingrid Amols rallied the homeless community around painting a mural over the giant concrete wall opposite the Center. In June of 2002 the center launched Art Works 945 in an attempt to recapture and sustain the energy that surrounded the painting of the 2001 mural.

The program is in operation 5-6 days a week. Participants work in every medium: painting, photography, digital media, creative writing, sculpture, etc. They do gardening, masonry, and wood carving. There is a writing group as well as a music group. In addition to holding its own art shows, the program exhibits its work in the greater community.

Art Works 945 depends on the talents of the homeless community, the support of churches and individuals, as well as the time and vision of local artists, eagle scouts, and volunteers.

For more information, contact Lawrence Cann, Director, Community Works 945 at


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Find Us

Art Works 945

945 N. Davidson St.
Charlotte, NC 28206
704-926-0618 phone

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