Charlotte City Club

Since its beginning in 1947, The Charlotte City Club has been a distinguished gathering place for the business, professional and social community to convene, entertain and dine. In this unique environment a special camaraderie develops among Members as they enjoy fine food and gracious personal service.

Over the years, the Club has moved from its original location above the Union National Bank at the corner of Fourth and Tryon street to the second and third floors of the new Mutual Savings and Loan Building in 1962 and finally in 1990 to the top two floors of the Interstate Tower on the Square.

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Find Us

Charlotte City Club

121 W. Trade St.
Suite 3100
Charlotte, NC 28202
704-334-3200 phone

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Parking & Transit

DIRECTIONS TO THE CITY CLUB FROM: I-77, NORTH 0R SOUTH: Take the Trade Street exit east towards uptown Charlotte. You will travel through the center of town (the intersection of Trade and Tryon Streets) and proceed to Brevard Street. Take a right onto Brevard Street and travel one block to 4th Street. Directions continued below at * I-85, NORTH OR SOUTH: Take exit I-77 South to Trade Street exit east towards uptown Charlotte. You will travel through the center of town (the intersection of Trade and Tryon Streets) and proceed to Brevard Street. Take a right onto Brevard Street and travel one block to 4th Street. Directions continued below at * FROM SOUTHPARK: Leaving Southpark Mall, turn right onto Sharon Road, then turn left onto Fairview Road. Proceed 2 miles and turn left onto Providence Road. Continue for 3.4 miles until the corner of Queens Road and Providence, turn right to stay on Providence Road. Providence Road becomes 4th Street. Directions continued below at *. (It is 2.6 miles from the corner of Queens Road and Providence to the entrance of the City Club.) FROM THE AIRPORT: Exit airport and follow the road to the signs to I-77. You merge onto Billy Graham Parkway. Turn left onto South Tryon Street and then take the Trade Street exit. Continue traveling Trade Street through the center of town and proceed to Brevard Street. Take a right onto Brevard Street and travel one block to 4th Street. Directions continued below at * * As you continue down 4th Street you will cross Tryon Street again. As soon as you cross Tryon Street, continue half a block and directly behind the First Citizens Building, take a right into alleyway. There is a sign indicating Interstate Tower and City Club Parking. Follow the signs into the parking deck and park in a Charlotte City Club reserved parking space. After parking, take the elevator to the main lobby of the building. There will be a sign indicating which set of elevators to take for the CITY CLUB. Press LC indicating LOWER CLUB AREA, which is on the 31st. floor.