Charlotte Flute Association

The Charlotte Flute Association was formed in 1964 by Irene Maddox to promote interest and study of the flute.

Membership in the association is open to flutists of all ages and levels who share a love of the flute. Members receive these outstanding membership benefits:

Performing Ensembles
Master Classes
Flute Fairs
Flute Camaraderie
Reading Sessions

The Association continues to flourish and to provide the Charlotte community with ample opportunity for flute fans. For more information about membership and performance availability please contact us.

For members in the Charlotte Flute Choir (a group of professional and high level amateur flutists) rehearsals take place every Tuesday at the Southern Park Music School, 4805 Park Road, Suite 230, Charlotte from 7:00 to 8:30 PM (for directions click here).

We do private performances, weddings, receptions, and volunteer performances at retirement homes and other non-profit venues. See our performances at the Southern Christmas Show and the Southern Spring Show among our many around the city.

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Find Us

Charlotte Flute Association

9620 Twin Falls Court
Mint Hill, NC 28227
704-893-2835 phone

Visit official website
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