Carolina Crown Drum & Bugle Corps

Carolina Crown, Inc. formed in 1988 with the mission: "Developing lifelong excellence in young people through a superior and challenging performing arts education experience." The primary program offering is Carolina Crown, a "world class" marching unit that tours 12,000 miles over 10-weeks each summer. Other programs include middle/high school "honor bands" and workshops in percussion; color guard; brass and leadership. Three events, including NightBEAT in Charlotte, bring the world's finest marching groups to perform before 20,000 combined annually. TheCrownStore, a band supply business, helps provide needed funding while CrownTICKETS is a service used by shows, festivals and events including Charlotte's Shout!

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Find Us

Carolina Crown Drum & Bugle Corps

227 A Main Street
Fort Mill, SC 29715
803-547-2270 phone

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