St Alban's Episcopal Church

Music at St. Alban’s offers exciting series of concerts, continuing to break down the barriers between artists and audiences with our intimate, welcoming seating arrangement and friendly, fun post-concert receptions. Our outreach programs once again are bringing our guest artists to schools and community organizations, where they share their passion and talent with those who ordinarily might not have the opportunity to experience and appreciate these musical gifts. We also are reaffirming our commitment to making great music available to young people by offering free admission to all children under 10, reaching out to schools, and programming family-friendly concerts.


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Find Us

St Alban's Episcopal Church

301 Caldwell Lane
Davidson, NC 28036
704.941.0650 phone

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Parking & Transit

From the light at Main Street. and Concord Road, turn onto Concord. Go approximately one mile to St. Alban’s Lane. Turn left. You will see the church tower straight ahead. The entrance to the parking lot is to the left of the church. There are two handicap-access parking spaces on the upper level.