C. Shaw Smith 900 Room at Davidson College

The C. Shaw Smith 900 Room is the intimate performances hall inside the Alvarez College Union. The room can be set for a variety of events, from movies to theatre, from lectures to sit-down meals. Additional seating is available on a balcony surrounding the space, and doors open to an outdoor balcony with a northern view of campus.

The original 900 Room in the Grey Student Union was named for the section of the Grey Library originally housed on that floor, the 900 number books (the history section in the Dewey Decimal system). The space in the “new” union retained the original name, but also honors C. Shaw Smith, Class of 1939. The gift was made by family and friends of Smith, the college’s first college union director and its lifelong friend.

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C. Shaw Smith 900 Room at Davidson College

207 Faculty Drive
Davidson, NC 28036
704-894-2140 phone

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