Latta Plantation Nature Center and Preserve

Latta Plantation Nature Center serves as the gateway to the 1,343 acres of Latta Plantation Nature Preserve and is the source for educational programs and information on the preserve's natural communities, flora, and fauna. The preserve, Mecklenburg County's largest, forms a green peninsula extending into Mountain Island Lake and protects a natural heritage site and several endangered plants.


Hours & Admission

Monday - Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sunday 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.

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Find Us

Latta Plantation Nature Center and Preserve

6211 Sample Road
Huntersville, NC 28078
704-875-1391 phone

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Parking & Transit

Latta Plantation Nature Center and Nature Preserve is located at 6211 Sample Road in northwestern Mecklenburg County. Traveling North on I-77 from Charlotte Exit 16B, Sunset Road West, to Beatties Ford Road. Turn right and proceed north for 4.8 miles until you reach Sample Road. Turn left onto Sample Road and continue 1 mile to the preserve entrance. Traveling South on I-77 from Davidson Exit 23, Huntersville. Turn right off of the exit onto Gilead Road. Take the third left, McCoy Road. At the stop sign, turn right on Beatties Ford Road. Turn left onto Sample Road and continue 1 mile to the preserve entrance.