Second Ward High School National Alumni Foundation

The Second Ward High School National Alumni Foundation was established in 1980 in order to preserve the memory and heritage of Second Ward High School, North Carolina's first African-American high school. The Foundation has established the Second Ward Alumni House and interpretive museum, as well as honors its educational heritage through remedial and tutorial activities for youth council, youth enrichment programs and annual scholarship and awards for area high school seniors.

The alumni of Charlotte's first black high school are committed to preserving and sharing the history and heritage of our African American community. Telling stories through film and images, they reach a large audience through media projects. The House archive contains a wealth of materials from black organizations and families.

Hours & Admission

Groups or individual may make appointments to visit or use the Foundation House at 1905 Beatties Ford Road in west Charlottte near the intersection of LaSalle Street.

We are an all volunteer organization and we do not have regular office hours.

But please call us at 704.398.9333 to arrange this. We will need five-seven days to arrange these visits.

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Find Us

Second Ward High School National Alumni Foundation

1905 Beatties Ford Road
Charlotte, NC 28216
704-398-8333 phone

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