The University of North Carolina at Charlotte (College of Liberal Arts & Sciences)

About Us

The College of Liberal Arts & Sciences is a community focused on learning, teaching, research, and engagement. We are guided by an unshakeable commitment to humanistic values and ethical conduct, by a creative and entrepreneurial frame of mind, and by an awareness of the global context in which the university exists.

Engagement (

One of the goals of the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences is to extend intellectual inquiry and engagement into the local, national, and global communities. One avenue for doing so is through the college’s programs and events offered to the university community and the broader community. In response to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the College will continue to adapt its community offerings for health and safety reasons.


Hours & Admission
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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Find Us

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte (College of Liberal Arts & Sciences)

9201 University City Boulevard
Fretwell 324C
Charlotte, NC 28223
704-687-0085 phone

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