NB Productions

NB Productions is a production company committed to producing family-oriented events for Charlotte and surrounding areas. We are in partnership with the Blumenthal Performing Arts Center and our events are held at Spirit Square and Stage Door Theater. We are proud to hire local actors, singers, dancers, stage managers and audio engineers for our productions. We produce multiple events throughout the year.  Our annual event, Gina Robinson's Christmas Benefit Concert, has raised toys for deserving kids through-out the Charlotte region for 14 years benefiting such organizations as the Salvation Army and Thompson Child and Family Focus. 

Hours & Admission
Hours vary per productions. Current hours are as follows: 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm

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Find Us

NB Productions

5714 Quercus Cove Ct.
Charlotte, NC 28217
704-287-5257 phone

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