Habitual Roots

Habitual Roots is a wellness-based community focused on providing resources for those looking to build a more sustainable and intentional lifestyle. We are built on foundations of curiosity and connection. Asking why we have certain routines, cultural expectations, beliefs and more
allows room to reflection, speculation, and change. Our purpose as a 501c(3) is to inspire curiosity, play, and human connection- one conversation, one event, one moment at a time.

Hours & Admission
Our organization has staff available M-F 8-5pm EST. Our organization operates remotely while hosting in-person events throughout the week and weekend at various hours. Our Event Calendar is the best place to see what we have going on within the community. Here is the link: https://www.habitualroots.com/events-calendar.html

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Find Us

Habitual Roots

1348 Green Oaks Lane
Apt. N
Charlotte, NC 28205
844-355-0555 phone

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