Saturn Atelier, LLC

Saturn Atelier is ran by Hasheem Halim. An aspiring architect with a passion for design. Specifically foundations of design and culture.

Saturn Atelier exists as a place to think deliberately about design. A place where there is no fear, where you can move past surface validation and delve deeper into learning how to approach design. The Derita Design Library seeks to arm our community with heightened design theory. The Atelier seeks to be a haven for trying out design. And Saturn proper seeks to inspire others to design with legible, beautiful, and local design.

Saturn seeks not to achieve perfection, but to learn how to move through mediums to see your design through. Saturn is Experimental

Hours & Admission
6pm to 10pm Weekdays 11am - 5pm Saturnday

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Saturn Atelier, LLC

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Parking & Transit
Please drive in through the gate past the Brick House and Park