Fight the Flame

Fight the Flame was started by a 12-year-old boy in 2013. He wanted to raise awareness and funds for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). CRPS, (formally known as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) is a chronic, debilitating, neuro-inflammatory disease. The main symptom of CRPS is severe, burning, stabbing pain 24/7 along with extreme sensitivity to touch, swelling, changes in skin temperature and appearance, limited range of motion, and many other symptoms as well.
We hold monthly support groups for people affected by CRPS and their caregivers.

Award college scholarships

Console and educate people who have just been diagnosed

Employ college interns, giving college students the opportunity to work in the non-profit sector, marketing, public relations, and Health Sciences.

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Find Us

Fight the Flame

3735 Providence Manor Rd
Charlotte, NC 28270
7043215608 phone

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