Piedmont Music Therapy, LLC

Piedmont Music Therapy (PMT) serves clients, students and programs in Mecklenburg & York Counties of the Carolinas. The mission of PMT is to engage, empower and accompany individuals to reach their goals grounded in the frameworks of music therapy and social work. PMT strives to meet students, clients and neighbors where they are and support them in improving their quality of life. Community partnerships promote professional development plus health and wellness initiatives. Offerings are provided at PMT's locations, virtually and socially distanced at area facilities and schools. Additionally PMT advocates to promote the growth of music therapy students and board certified music therapists by offering educational opportunities as an approved provider of the Certification Board for Music Therapists.

Hours & Admission
Appointment only.

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Find Us

Piedmont Music Therapy, LLC

220 Westinghouse Boulevard
Suite 402
Charlotte, NC 28273
8032062044 phone

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Parking & Transit
Open lot plus handicapped spaces