Airing Out the "Dirty" Laundry
Airing Out the “Dirty” Laundry is an ongoing community art movement that responds to the silencing of women*, creating opportunities for all women to share experiences through visual storytelling.
Individuals, groups and communities of people are invited to engage in Airing Out the “Dirty” Laundry in two ways. Laundry Days are a call for women to gather together, opportunity to listen and to be heard, and to foster the love and understanding that resists hate and injustice. Laundry Day Workshops provide basic artmaking materials and brave, supportive, and safe spaces for women to create pieces of visual storytelling. Women’s signed or anonymous stories are collected and then joined together on laundry clotheslines in ongoing installations. Each story has a top layer that flows freely and is meant to be lifted as an invitation to the viewer to engage in and reveal the story underneath.
*Airing Out the “Dirty” Laundry holds space for all women across the intersections of race, age, color, disability, faith, religion, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, social class, economic class, ethnicity, gender identity and gender expression.
Hours & Admission
Laundry Days and Installations of women's stories are not always scheduled on the same days each week.Update this organization
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