Folds of Honor Western Carolina

Folds of Honor Folds of Honor is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization that provides educational scholarships to families of military men and women who have fallen or been disabled while on active duty in the United States armed forces. Our educational scholarships support private education tuition and tutoring for children in grades K-12, as well as higher education tuition assistance for spouses and dependents. We are bringing increased focus to the continuing needs of NC military families by establishing a new local chapter dedicated to serving Charlotte and Western Carolina. 

Of the one-million-plus dependents adversely affected by military deployments, nearly 9 out of 10 do not qualify for federal scholarship assistance. Since 2007, Folds of Honor has had the singular, noble mission to close that gap, providing educational support to the families of these heroic Americans, honoring their sacrifice by educating their legacy.

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Folds of Honor Western Carolina

6519 Lundin Links Lane
Charlotte, NC 28277
3304953759 phone

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