Caritas A Cappella Ensemble

CARITAS A CAPPELLA ENSEMBLE emerged from a group started in 2015 by Marc Williams Hull. In 2016 Cathy Youngblood became Artistic Director and a Board of Directors was formed. The group has inspired and delighted its Charlotte-area audiences with its challenging musical selections, its polished performances, and its vision to make an impact in the community. In 201 7 Caritas A Cappella Ensemble was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The mission of Caritas, 'a cappella artistry with a purpose', is lived out through the group's efforts to stimulate, develop, and promote the appreciation of a cappella singing through public concerts, and through donation of a portion of the proceeds from ticket sales to charitable organizations.

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Find Us

Caritas A Cappella Ensemble

P.O. Box 470908
Charlotte, NC 28247
413 447-1007 phone

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