Community Alliance for Wildlife
The Community Alliance for Wildlife (CAW), a chapter of the North Carolina Wildlife Federation (NCWF), is an environmental coalition established to provide environmental stewardship and education to residents of communities in Charlotte that are underserved and under-represented in biodiversity and conservation initiatives.
CAW's mission is to inspire, equip and mobilize people to protect, conserve and restore wildlife for the future of Charlotte's children. CAW’s stewardship will result in Charlotte communities with bountiful and diverse wildlife, including all species of wild flora and fauna, that is valued by its citizens and elected officials, and sustainably managed. Our goals are to: 1) sponsor and support programs for the enjoyment and conservation of wildlife and habitat, including ethical and sustainable outdoor recreation pursuits and 2) enhance and expand opportunities for youth and adults that foster awareness and appreciation of the important role healthy habitat plays in sustaining wildlife and humanity.
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