Charlotte Mecklenburg Library - West Boulevard Branch
The West Boulevard Library is known throughout the community for its commitment to quality programming and service. With more than 12,000 square feet, West Blvd. Branch Library and Learning Resources Center is many times the size of the small facility it replaces. The branch’s mission is to reach out to the community creatively to bring users into the library and then to offer the broadest and best range of collections, programs, and computer resources to meet the user’s informational, educational, cultural and recreational needs. Through innovative programming and the informational resources offered, the West Blvd. Library continues to serve its diverse community.
Public art displayed in the building was completed by local artist, Tommie Robinson.
Hours & Admission
Hours of Operation: Monday- Thursday: 9:00 am -8:00 pm Friday & Saturday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Closed SundayUpdate this organization
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