Charlotte Mecklenburg Library - Steele Creek Branch

The Steele Creek Branch Library serves the fast-growing communities in Southwestern Mecklenburg County. The library is located off highway 49 on highway 160 in front of the Southwest Middle School,

This 15,000 sq. ft. building which has a large children’s garden, brings focus to the garden theme throughout the library. A gazebo offers an area for impromptu stories, a pergola that houses 8 children’s computers and the YA area with 6 homework computers. The computer lab has 16 PC’s that offer Internet and word processing as well as PLCMC web sites. There are also six public access computers to search the online catalog and resources such as NC Live.

Hours & Admission
Hours of Operation: Monday- Thursday: 9:00 am -8:00 pm Friday & Saturday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Closed Sunday

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