Carolinas Care Partnership

More than 1.1 million people in the United States are living with HIV infection, and almost 1 in 6 (15.8%) are unaware of their infection. In the State of NC, over 36,000 and in Mecklenburg County, over 6,000 individuals are living with HIV/AIDS. Carolinas Care Partnership has been a community partner in the fight to connect not only those living with HIV/AIDS with the critical resources they need but also educate those potentially at risk about prevention. We provide free and confidential testing, community education, housing assistance, counseling, prevention intervention and supportive services. In addition, a mobile testing unit that takes our HIV prevention program to up to 13 counties in the Charlotte metro region. As we approach our 25th anniversary, Carolinas Care Partnership is committed to prevention and serving those living with HIV and AIDS now through our programs and services and to being a part of a solution for a future without HIV/AIDS. Our mission: To foster and ensure a regional approach to prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS and to meet with compassion and dignity the needs of those affected by the disease To find out more about the Facts and Carolinas Care Partnership services, Call 704-531-2467 or go to

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Find Us

Carolinas Care Partnership

7510 East Independence Blvd., Suite 105
Charlotte, NC 28227
704-531-2467 phone
704-531-4414 tty

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