Humane Society of Charlotte

The Humane Society of Charlotte is working with you to create a world where there are no more homeless and unwanted animals. As a “space available shelter,” our policy is that all animals at the Humane Society of Charlotte are offered the opportunity of a safe and loving home. For every animal adopted, another animal comes in. We are working with the community to create a world where there are no more homeless and unwanted animals. We are proud to be an "adoption guarantee" shelter working on rehoming cats and dogs that are rehabilitatable and manageable

The Humane Society of Charlotte is a private, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization supported by the generosity of many animal lovers, grants, bequests and fees for services.

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Find Us

Humane Society of Charlotte

2700 Toomey Avenue
Charlotte, NC 28203
704-377-0534 phone

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