
Heartfulness is a global non-profit, present in 160 countries with its mission to promote the total well-being of the communities. To meet this aim, Heartfulness offers free community workshops and free individual support with trainers. During these sessions, participants are empowered with effective techniques on how to handle stress, anxiety, burnout; and improve focus, clarity, sleep quality, inner balance, to name a few. You can learn more about Heartfulness at www.heartfulnessinstitute.orgĀ 

Hours & Admission
People interested to learn meditation could reach out to us at carolinas@heartfulness.org and we will connect them with a local personal meditation trainer for further coaching that is provided for free. We also have free weekly group meditation to support the meditation practitioners.

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7401 City View Dr,
Charlotte, NC 28212
980-422-6922 phone
980-422-6922 tty

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