Exploring Drawing and Painting

Through Wednesday, March 19
Arts+ Community Campus
Presented by Arts+

This 6-week class for grades 3-5 will dive deeper into the basics of painting and drawing and how to use the elements and principles of art to create dynamic and interesting artwork. Students will create art based on styles of famous historic and contemporary artists in their own interpretations. Students will use their understanding of drawing techniques and painting styles to create mixed media works in their own personal style. No experience is required for our Exploring classes, and we encourage a willingness to try new things and make mistakes. By the end of the class, students will have confidence in creating their own art, talking about the art they’ve made and art created by others, and be willing to try new things in the creative process!

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Schedule & Tickets

Through Wednesday, March 19 · add to calendar 2025-02-16 09:00:00 2025-03-19 17:00:00 America/New_York Exploring Drawing and Painting https://charlottecultureguide.com/event/430086/exploring-drawing-and-painting Arts+ Community Campus, 2304 The Plaza, Charlotte, NC

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