Robinson Hall, Anne R. Belk Theater

The first of Robinson Hall’s three stories houses the 332-seat Anne R. Belk Theater, which features a 3,500-square-foot stage equipped with 18 trap doors, a 60-foot fly-loft for storing and changing scenery, and an orchestra pit for opera and musical theatre performances. Also on the first floor are a spacious choral rehearsal room, a media presentation room, and a music education classroom with an observation laboratory. The second floor includes the instrumental rehearsal room, digital piano lab, recording studio, and music technology lab. The third floor contains the Department of Music Office, faculty studios, classrooms that are equipped with the latest educational technology, and practice rooms, some of which offer acoustical technologies that, with the push of a button, allow students to recreate a variety of performances settings, from an intimate studio to a large concert hall, and even a gothic cathedral.

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