Applesauce Group

Applesauce Group’s name derives from the concept of the old parental trick of masking the taste of medicine with applesauce. Utilizing an enjoyable catalyst to deliver uneasy essentials is our founding principle. Our flagship event “A Vibe Called Fresh” began in 2017 when a group of friends converted an annual cookout into an outdoor festival that showcased pathways to achieve viable homeownership to an audience largely made up of people from historically disenfranchised communities. The group also showcased local artists, musicians & creatives to produce an invigorating environment while also creating touchpoints of access to tools, organizations, and resources that encourage empowerment.

From that initial event, we conducted a very informal tally of notes and messages, to later learn that 47 people began the process of becoming first-time homeowners after attending A Vibe Called Fresh. A simple converted cookout not only contributed to changing the lives of those individuals but, will also enhance the quality of life for future generations. That initial event was the spark where we realized our approach to countering the residual damages of marginalizing policy was capable of shifting the fabric of Charlotte. Today, our mission is to continue to create platforms where people from historically excluded communities are directed towards empowerment… While we all have the time of our lives!

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