Folclor Colombiano Charlotte

Folclor Colombiano Charlotte is a non-profit organization organized to serve North and South Carolina’s Southern Piedmont communities in and round the Charlotte, NC metropolitan area by offering positive environment in which persons (especially kids) from all ethnicities can learn about the Colombian culture and dances while encouraging community service and educational opportunities within and outside the Latino community. The organization includes, but is not limited, to people in the inner city neighborhoods, housing projects, impoverished rural communities, single-parent homes, foster homes, or other environments where positive role models do not exist. Classes and performances for Folclor Colombiano Charlotte participants with private, public, and government organizations, provide formation in personal responsibility, self-empowerment, appreciation of various cultures, and community service so that they are equipped with the tools for to build positive relations with different groups within and outside their communities and lives.

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Find Us

Folclor Colombiano Charlotte

13902 South Tron Street
Charlotte, NC 28278
7047289949 phone

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